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7 creative ways to market your photography business

Wouldn’t life be great if we could just go out and do what we love – photograph horses, of course – all day long, without having to worry about all the legwork that goes with it? I don’t know about you, but marketing our businesses used to be one of the jobs we’ve...

How to grow your database

One of the most common questions we’re asked by the Training Barn delegates is probably one that you’ve mulled over a few times yourself: just how, exactly, do you go about growing a sizeable and authentic database of leads who – and this bit is crucial –...

Busy is a decision

I had an epiphany recently while one a long drive to a shoot. I spend a lot of time in the car, travelling from one place to the next, and I wanted to make sure that this blank space in my schedule was being put to work – for me. So like many people, I’ve turned to...

8 Tips for Maximising Your Office Space

How’s this for a dream: your own sprawling studio, dotted with your own beautiful photographs, a wall of inspiration, and plenty of space to store frames, samples, an endless array of lenses, and a viewing space for your clients, too. Some of you might be lucky enough...

Use this time wisely!

Ahhh, another day in isolation. To keep the morale up, we would like to offer some more ideas as to what you could be working on while staying safe at home.  On our list of ‘jobs to do’ is seeking out new influencers for our businesses. This may include riders,...

How’s that website of yours looking?

How are you doing? We hope you have been following along with our latest emails. If you have missed any of our tips and tricks, fear not- we have added them to our Facebook Members Group. If you’re not already a member then what on earth have you been doing all this...

The True Cost of Being an Equine Photographer

If there’s one surefire way to end a conversation with a horse person, it’s this: ask them to break down exactly what they’re shelling out for their four-legged friend every year. A hard yikes, right? But while it can feel so, SO tempting to ignore our version of the...

Get in the habit of being creative

For better or for worse, our lives are largely carved out and structured around our habits. Breakfast at a certain time, daily chores and errands, how many cups of coffee?! (Still not enough, by our reckoning!) But your habits don’t have to just be the things you do...

The essential guide to influencer interactions

“What I really need is for someone to share my work – someone everyone knows. Then my business will really make some headway!” Hands up if you’ve had this very thought before – and the other hand up if you’ve dismissed the idea as being impossible to fulfil. Okay, now...

Money, Money, Money: How to Have the Chat That No One Loves

Does anyone else ever feel like their camera’s manual is just…staring you down and totally judging you for never having read it? Just me? Nah, I didn’t think so. But honestly, who has the time or the inclination to sift through hundreds of pages of dry, technical...

Behind the scenes of a Shoot, Shadow and Shine Course

The layout of the 2 days Day 1: We meet at the studio in the middle of the New Forest in Burley for a get to know you chat and a cup of coffee. After an introduction and kit check we head off for our first photo shoot. Photo Shoot 1: We take our time to walk you...

The 5 Common Mistakes New Equine Photographers Make

Every day behind a camera is a new adventure, but the best – and often, most frustrating – adventures come with a heaping helping of trial and error. We want to help you reach the next level as quickly as possible, so we’ve compiled some of the most common mistakes...

2020 in the Bag: How to Make Plans, Not Resolutions

Are you guilty of New Year-itis? Do you head into January determined to make major changes throughout your life – fewer calories, more exercise, a thriving bank account, all the usual suspects? It feels like the pressure’s on, right? Like everyone around you is making...

Embrace the indescribable magic of Autumn

There’s nothing I love quite so much as autumn. There’s something about that first moment that you step outside, when you can feel something different – something crisp, and full of promises in the air, that really speaks to my soul. The smell of it, the burnished...

Figure out your ideal client- and attract them easily!

This blog is super important if you want to understand exactly how to target and attract your ideal client. Early on in your career, you might think that any client is a good client. And that’s not entirely wrong – many of the clients you book will be brilliant, even...

The 7 Things You Need to Know to Make a Deal-Closing Website

No matter who you are or what you do, if you’re self-employed or own your own business, you absolutely must have a website. It’s totally and completely non-negotiable – but if you outsource the job, it can also be eye-wateringly expensive. Fortunately, site-builders...