The 5 Common Mistakes New Equine Photographers Make

The 5 Common Mistakes New Equine Photographers Make

Every day behind a camera is a new adventure, but the best – and often, most frustrating – adventures come with a heaping helping of trial and error. We want to help you reach the next level as quickly as possible, so we’ve compiled some of the most common mistakes...
2020 in the Bag: How to Make Plans, Not Resolutions

2020 in the Bag: How to Make Plans, Not Resolutions

Are you guilty of New Year-itis? Do you head into January determined to make major changes throughout your life – fewer calories, more exercise, a thriving bank account, all the usual suspects? It feels like the pressure’s on, right? Like everyone around you is making...
Embrace the indescribable magic of Autumn

Embrace the indescribable magic of Autumn

There’s nothing I love quite so much as autumn. There’s something about that first moment that you step outside, when you can feel something different – something crisp, and full of promises in the air, that really speaks to my soul. The smell of it, the burnished...